Perfume review: Cloud Pink by Ariana Grande

Due to travel, trying (and failing) to get my driver's license, and preparations for a new university year, I've been regretfully slacking on my blog. I am creating a new schedule to fit all the things that I love and still do my school work in time, since last year I used to procrastinate every exam to my own detriment. 

I'm trying to start writing again about the things I love. I already wrote about a doll I unboxed, and I will now be writing about perfume, which is also one of my passions, along with doll collecting.

Perfume is artistry, just like creating and designing a doll is, or writing a song, or painting. It's first and foremost the artistry of putting scents together to create something unique, and then, it is the artistry of what this new scent creates with the chemistry of your skin. Everyone who is passionate about it can tell you about a perfume they loved in the bottle or on someone else, that smelled completely differently on themselves. Funnily enough, Dior's Pure Poison, which is one of my favorites at the moment, opens on my skin with a scent of... plastic flip flops, but then it turns into that fresh, soapy scent that I love. And I'm not even that big on florals.

I've always been passionate about the gourmand scent palette. I'm very interested in smelling like dessert in a way that isn't sickening or nauseating at all. It was around this time last year when I discovered Ariana Grande's Cloud, which was my staple scent for the whole year. It was love at first sight, or smell. I smelled the sample bottle, then sprayed it on my skin, and I was absolutely spellbound. My room, clothes, my whole existence smelled like Cloud. 

This year, Ariana Grande released a new version of Cloud: Cloud Pink. Which I bought not because I'm sick of the original Cloud, but because of my basically bathing in it, I finished the bottle. 

At a first glance I didn't notice a great difference between Cloud and Cloud Pink. I assume the base notes are the same. I did a side to side comparison on my wrist using the last few drops left in my Cloud bottle from last year. This scent really takes me back... I'm sure everyone who knew me back then has it forever imprinted into their noses, I have to apologize for that.

This is a scent whose full glory really can't described, it has to be experienced. It's like a sweet, sugary vanilla bean, and it's not nauseating in the slightest. I've also found that it's absolutely eternal. It lasts me the whole day and well into the next. I personally can't stand short-lived perfumes, to me there has to be some remnant of the scent at the end of the day. 

I don't know what magic Ariana did, but this perfume is a superstar. It does remind me of Burberry Her, if you want a scent comparison, but it's not exactly a perfect match, as I'm pretty sure this one is floral as well. Cloud is 100% gourmand, which makes it great for layering with a vanilla body spray, like Victoria's Secret Bare Vanilla, or maybe a sugary one, like Pink Sugar. Don't get me wrong though, this perfume is perfectly fine on its own.

According to Fragrantica, these are the profiles of both perfumes: 

For Cloud:

For Cloud Pink:
I find it that Cloud Pink smells slightly sweeter than Cloud, but to me there isn't really a substantial difference. Not with the scent, in spite of all the differing notes or with the price tag. The major difference would be that the bottle is pink, which is completely fine by me.

The bottle I have right now is big enough to last me another year or so, and I'm not sure if I will repurchase after this, but regardless, it'll always be one of my absolute favorites.


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