
Se afișează postări din iunie, 2023

Isi Dawndancer!!!

      Hello everyone, today is a very special day, because my gorgeous girl finally arrived in the mail: Here she is, standing in all her beauty and grace next to my books. I have chosen this background because it was increasingly harder to photograph the dolls on my vanity without including myself in it. But this background is pretty unassuming and perfect for Isi's beauty to shine. This doll was PRICEY. Trust me when I say that!! It was funded by my mom. I hope I can pay her back someday. It is also a very rare doll, but I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her, and I needed to have it. She is everything to me. She is a masterpiece. I don't know what it is: the gorgeous color scheme, the fashion, the makeup, I'm not sure. But this doll is perfect to me and there are no words to describe how happy I am that she is finally part of my collection. I know little to nothing about this character, but from her wiki page, I found this out:  Isi is a peaceful girl who

How to stay grounded in reality

 Everyone has bad days, but it seems like some have more than others. For me, bad days are constant, and my energy is fickle and short lived. This still from Sopranos is basically how I (And everyone like me) feel. Today, I am exhausted. I have trouble with sleeping, meaning that I sleep too much, very rarely too little, and I have trouble falling asleep even if I hit the sack at a normal hour. Last night, I tried a new treatment to help me sleep but it made my drowsiness pretty much pereptual, so I haven't been able to get my work done today, which is bad, cause I'm in crunch time for exam week. I'm trying not to beat myself up over it, but how not to? If I fail one exam, my scholarship is gone, and besides funding my whole existence, my parents will have to fund my schooling fees as well. I don't want that to happen but I barely have energy to do the work I know I have to do. If you're wondering why this post is riddled with Sopranos quotes, it's because I fou

Ancient Egyptian Kitty Cat (Cleolei)

 I've always liked Monster High but I've never been a fan . Being a fan of something suggests things like engaging with the media, knowing lore etc., and while I read the magazines pretty diligently, I never watched any shows or movies or been on the hunt per se for any special dolls. My love for it was simply residual from my greater passion, which is fashion, aesthetics and anything pleasing to the eye. I was born with an artistic sense of aesthetics but unfortunately I possess very little creativity, despite having artistic talent. Anyhow, these days I came into the possession of this particular Monster High doll, which seems to be a fusion between Cleo de Nile and Toralei: I was simply browsing through a marketplace in search for anything and this was recommended to me. I'd never seen this doll before but I was instantly drawn to it, so I quickly got in contact with the seller to buy it. When I figured out this was an ancient Egyptian kitty, I was ecstasic, since I love

Lazy morning

 Okay, it is technically almost 1 pm, but I woke up at 9:30 today, and I haven't processed that yet. My therapist told me to try to be in bed by 12 and up by 8, but I am having trouble with both of these tasks: Hard to fall asleep and hard to wake up. Oh well. Soon, I am going to start my work for the day, which is in preparation for an upcoming exam. I hope I can finish it as soon as possible so I can paint. I am currently painting a portrait of this doll: She is a custom OOAK made by Dollightful: I'm not claiming this character as mine or trying to monetize on this design in any way, I'm just painting her portrait because she is pretty, and I want to exercise my painting skills before I try my own designs. Obviously it is more challenging than I thought. While on the topic of dolls, I just wanted to show my new MH doll, that just came in yesterday: This gorgeous doll is the Zombie Shake Rochelle Goyle, her hair is a bit messy but that's because she is second hand. I g


 Hello guys! This is minatokirins and today I want to talk about dolls, specifically Monster High dolls. I grew up with Monster High and I had a few dolls of my own too. I don't remember exactly which and they are now lost in the sea that is my childhood bedroom. I also kept up with the magazine quite regularly when it was still around and knew a good bit of lore. I've had a passing interest lately, despite the fact that I'm in college now, but I'm not thinking of becoming a collector, since I don't have an income of my own to support that. Needless to say, I do have a wishlist, so without further ado, I will show you what I consider to be the prettiest dolls. I love fashion and everything pretty. I'll start with Isi Dawndancer : This gorgeous doll is quite rare to come by these days, and it goes from hundreds of dollars and upwards on sites like ebay. I found one on a local site at a okay-ish price. It is used but beggars can't be choosers. She is gorgeous,